A new year

The holidays have come and gone for another year. As you may remember if you read my last post, I spent most of it quite ill. This includes New Year’s Eve, which I was hoping to be better in time for, but instead I spent it at home with my lovely boyfriend who didn’t mind staying in and watching the countdown with me, thankfully!

With the start of a new year, I can’t help but think about what will be in store for me in 2015. I’m hoping its a more positive year then a lot of 2014 was for me, and I’m trying to stay in the mind set of making the most of the time to come. I hope to find things this year that allow me to feel fulfilled, and like I’m moving forward with my life! While I’m thankful for a lot of the experiences I had in 2014, I’m ready to start fresh and try new things in 2015. I really hope to travel more this year, and to find some kind of work that I am passionate about. 

Someone’s it can be hard not to let it get to me, feeling unwell can be pretty overwhelming, but I really want to try to do even more this year in spite of my health problems! This year is going to be my year of trying to stay positive, and enjoying my life as it is now. Even if there are days when I don’t feel well or get a bit overwhelmed by all of it, I want to try to remember to focus on the good, and have days that I’m able to do something great!

Fingers crossed for a good year for all of us :)


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